David Austin Felicite Et Perpetue 6L | Online Shop | Stubbings Nursery | A local haven for garden lovers and gatherings

David Austin Felicite Et Perpetue 6L


The David Austin Felicite Et Perpetue is a rambling rose featuring small, closely packed pompon flowers of creamy white, flushed pink at first, which are held in large, slightly hanging clusters and have a delicate primrose fragrance. They are produced quite late in the season, around mid-July. Almost evergreen; it forms a dense mass of small, dark, neat foliage.

Colour: Creamy white | Flowering: Once flowering | Fragrance: Light – medium | Bloom size: Small | Size: 20ft (6m)

Shady areas | Large structures | Pergolas | Growing into large trees

North, east, south & west facing | Suitable for all soil types | Full sunlight / partial sunlight

Please note: Depending on the season, your rose will either arrive in bloom, or will have been pruned appropriately for the time of year.

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