David Austin Kew Gardens 6L | Online Shop | Stubbings Nursery | A local haven for garden lovers and gatherings

David Austin Kew Gardens 6L


The David Austin Kew Gardens features small, single flowers held in very large heads, rather like a hydrangea, produced almost continuously from early summer into autumn. Soft apricot buds open to pure white, with a hint of soft lemon behind the stamens. It is extremely healthy and almost thornless. The growth is bushy and rather upright.

Colour: White | Flowering: Repeat flowering | Fragrance: Light | Bloom size: Small | Size: 4ft (125cm)

Mixed borders | Pots & containers | Rose hedges | Shady areas | Attracting bees

Very Few Thorns
Wild Areas

North, east, south & west facing | Suitable for all soil types | Full sunlight / partial sunlight

Named in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in London.

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